Furcadia: List of DS and PS Lines
Created: June 28, 2008
Last Updated: April 3, 2012
- (0:0) When everything is starting up,
- (0:1) Whenever somebody moves,
- (0:2) When somebody moves into floor type #,
- (0:3) When somebody moves into object type #,
- (0:4) When a furre turns,
- (0:5) When a furre turns right(clockwise),
- (0:6) When a furre turns left(counterclockwise),
- (0:7) When somebody moves into position (#,#),
- (0:8) When a furre drops any object,
- (0:9) When a furre arrives in the dream,
- (0:10) When a furre leaves the dream,
- (0:11) When a furre stands up,
- (0:12) When a furre sits down,
- (0:13) When a furre lays down,
- (0:14) When a furre picks up any object,
- (0:15) When a furre uses the get/drop command,
- (0:16) When a furre uses any object,
- (0:17) When somebody picks up object type #,
- (0:18) When somebody drops object type #,
- (0:19) When somebody uses object type #,
- (0:20) When somebody rolls exactly # on # dice of # sides,
- (0:21) When somebody rolls # or lower on # dice of # sides,
- (0:22) When somebody rolls # or higher on # dice of # sides,
- (0:23) When somebody rolls exactly # on some dice,
- (0:24) When somebody rolls # or lower on some dice,
- (0:25) When somebody rolls # or higher on some dice,
- (0:26) When somebody moves into any space in region #,
- (0:27) When somebody moves into any space in regions # through #,
- (0:28) When somebody moves from region # to region #,
- (0:29) When somebody moves into any space with effect overlay #,
- (0:30) When a furre says anything,
- (0:31) When a furre says {...},
- (0:32) When a furre says something with {...} in it,
- (0:33) When a furre poses/emotes anything,
- (0:34) When a furre emotes {...},
- (0:35) When a furre emotes something with {...} in it,
- (0:36) When a furre says or emotes anything,
- (0:37) When a furre says or emotes {...},
- (0:38) When a furre says or emotes something with {...} in it,
- (0:39) When a furre emits anything,
- (0:40) When a furre emits {...},
- (0:41) When a furre emits something with {...} in it,
- (0:50) When countdown timer # goes off,
- (0:51) When a furre pays cookies into the cookie bank for cookie request number #,
- (0:52) When a furre turns down the cookie bank request number #,
- (0:53) When a furre eats a cookie,
- (0:54) When a furre makes or gives a cookie to another furre,
- (0:55) When a furre recieves a cookie from another furre,
- (0:56) When a furre goes AFK,
- (0:57) When a furre stops being AFK,
- (0:58) When a furre is summoned to the dream,
- (0:59) When a new dream portal is placed by a furre,
- (0:60) When a furre moves northeast,
- (0:61) When a furre moves southeast,
- (0:62) When a furre moves southwest,
- (0:63) When a furre moves northwest,
- (0:64) When somebody (bumps into/moves through) wall shape #,
- (0:65) When somebody (bumps into/moves through) a wall with texture #,
- (0:66) When somebody (bumps into/moves through) wall shape # with texture #,
- (0:67) When a furre moves from floor #,
- (0:68) When a furre moves from object #,
- (0:70) When a furre idles (doesn't do ANYTHING) for # seconds,
- (0:71) When a furre stays in the same square for # seconds,
- (0:72) When a furre remains motionless (doesn't turn, sit, stand or move) for # seconds,
- (0:73) When a furre doesn't speak (or emote) for # seconds,
- (0:74) When a furre ejects someone from the dream,
- (0:78) When someone tries to drop an object but fails,
- (0:79) When someone tries to drop object # but fails,
- (0:80) When a furre clicks DragonSpeak Button #,
- (0:81) When a furre clicks any DragonSpeak Button,
- (0:90) When a furre shakes their iPhone or iPod Touch,
- (0:100) When # seconds have passed, offset by #,
- (0:101) When the time is #:# FST
- (0:200) Whenever a dragon breathes,
- (0:201) When a dragon breathes on floor type #,
- (0:202) When a dragon breathes on object type #,
- (0:203) When a dragon breathes on position (#,#),
- (0:204) Whenever a phoenix flames,
- (0:205) When a phoenix flames on floor type #,
- (0:206) When a phoenix flames on object type #,
- (0:207) When a phoenix flames at position (#,#),
- (0:208) When a dragon breathes on wall shape #,
- (0:209) When a dragon breathes on a wall with texture #,
- (0:210) When a dragon breathes on wall shape # with texture #,
- (0:220) When a Unicorn uses their Glamour,
- (0:250) When a furre turns into a dragon,
- (0:251) When a furre turns into a phoenix,
- (0:252) When a furre turns into a gryphon,
- (0:253) When a furre turns into a eagle,
- (0:270) When a furre turns on classic wings,
- (0:271) When a furre turns on butterfly wings,
- (0:272) When a furre turns on tricolored wings,
- (0:273) When a furre turns on bat wings,
- (0:274) When a furre turns on any wings,
- (0:350) When a furre deactivates their dragon,
- (0:351) When a furre deactivates their phoenix,
- (0:352) When a furre deactivates their gryphon,
- (0:353) When a furre deactivates their eagle,
- (0:370) When a furre turns off classic wings,
- (0:371) When a furre turns off butterfly wings,
- (0:372) When a furre turns off tricolored wings,
- (0:373) When a furre turns off bat wings,
- (0:374) When a furre turns off any wings,
Additional Conditions
- (1:2) and they move into floor type #,
- (1:3) and they move into object type #,
- (1:4) and they bump into a furre,
- (1:5) and they successfully moved,
- (1:7) and they move into position (#,#),
- (1:8) and the triggering furre can see position (#,#),
- (1:10) and the triggering furre is the dream owner,
- (1:11) and the triggering furre has got shared control (or is the dream owner),
- (1:12) and the triggering furre is facing towards position (#,#),
- (1:13) and the triggering furre is facing northeast (up and right),
- (1:14) and the triggering furre is facing southeast (down and right),
- (1:15) and the triggering furre is facing southwest (down and left),
- (1:16) and the triggering furre is facing northwest (up and left),
- (1:17) and the triggering furre (moved from/is standing at) floor type #,
- (1:18) and the triggering furre (moved from/is standing at) object type #,
- (1:19) and the triggering furre (moved from/is standing at) position (#,#),
- (1:20) and the triggering furre is a rodent,
- (1:21) and the triggering furre is an equine,
- (1:22) and the triggering furre is a feline,
- (1:23) and the triggering furre is a canine,
- (1:24) and the triggering furre is a musteline,
- (1:25) and the triggering furre is a lapine,
- (1:26) and the triggering furre is a dragon,
- (1:27) and the triggering furre is a phoenix,
- (1:28) and the triggering furre is a griffon,
- (1:29) and the triggering furre is a squirrel,
- (1:30) and the floor at (#,#) is the same as the floor at (#,#),
- (1:31) and the object at (#,#) is the same as the object at (#,#),
- (1:32) and the triggering furre is a kitterwing,
- (1:33) and the triggering furre is a bovine,
- (1:34) and the triggering furre is wearing wings type #, (list at www.furcadia.com/dsparams/)
- (1:35) and the triggering furre is wearing any type of wings,
- (1:36) and the triggering furre is male,
- (1:37) and the triggering furre is female,
- (1:38) and the triggering furre is unspecified gender,
- (1:39) and the triggering furre is a wolven,
- (1:40) and # step(s) northeast (up and right) from the triggering furre is floor #,
- (1:41) and # step(s) southeast (down and right) from the triggering furre is floor #,
- (1:42) and # step(s) southwest (down and left) from the triggering furre is floor #,
- (1:43) and # step(s) northwest (up and left) from the triggering furre is floor #,
- (1:44) and # step(s) NE & # step(s) NW from the triggering furre is floor #,
- (1:45) and # step(s) NE & # step(s) SE from the triggering furre is floor #,
- (1:46) and # step(s) SW & # step(s) SE from the triggering furre is floor #,
- (1:47) and # step(s) SW & # step(s) NW from the triggering furre is floor #,
- (1:50) and # step(s) northeast (up and right) from the triggering furre is object #,
- (1:51) and # step(s) southeast (down and right) from the triggering furre is object #,
- (1:52) and # step(s) southwest (down and left) from the triggering furre is object #,
- (1:53) and # step(s) northwest (up and left) from the triggering furre is object #,
- (1:54) and # step(s) NE & # step(s) NW from the triggering furre is object #,
- (1:55) and # step(s) NE & # step(s) SE from the triggering furre is object #,
- (1:56) and # step(s) SW & # step(s) SE from the triggering furre is object #,
- (1:57) and # step(s) SW & # step(s) NW from the triggering furre is object #,
- (1:60) and they (bump into/move through) wall shape #
- (1:61) and they (bump into/move through) a wall with texture #,
- (1:62) and they (bump into/move through) wall shape # with texture #,
- (1:70) and the triggering furre's name is {...},
- (1:71) and the triggering furre has Silver, Gold, or Diamond Sponsorship,
- (1:72) and the triggering furre has Group Access Level # or higher,
- (1:73) and message ~ matches the triggering furre's name,
- (1:74) and message ~ matches message ~,
- (1:75) and message ~ contains {...} somewhere within it,
- (1:76) and the length of message ~ is greater than #,
- (1:77) and the length of message ~ is equal to #,
- (1:78) and the furre named {...} is in the dream right now,
- (1:79) and the triggering furre is using an iPhone or iPod Touch,
- (1:80) and the triggering furre is within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#),
- (1:81) and the triggering furre is within the diamond (#,#) - (#,#),
- (1:82) and the furre named {...} is AFK,
- (1:83) and the spot they moved to is in region #,
- (1:84) and the spot they moved to is in regions # through #,
- (1:85) and the triggering furre (moved from/is standing in) region #,
- (1:86) and position (#,#) is in region #,
- (1:87) and region # has some furres in it,
- (1:88) and region # has # furres or more in it,
- (1:90) and the triggering furre's entry code is #,
- (1:91) and the triggering furre's entry method was # (One=dream portal, Two=summoned in, Three=dream url),
- (1:92) and the triggering furre's entry code is less than #,
- (1:93) and the triggering furre's entry code is more than #,
- (1:94) and timer # is still counting down,
- (1:95) and the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button # is visible,
- (1:96) and the spot they moved to has effect #,
- (1:97) and the triggering furre (moved from/is standing in) effect #,
- (1:98) and position (#,#) has effect #,
- (1:102) and they didn't move into floor type #,
- (1:103) and they didn't move into object type #,
- (1:104) and they didn't bump into a furre,
- (1:105) and they were blocked from moving (or stood still),
- (1:107) and they didn't move into position (#,#),
- (1:110) and the triggering furre is not the dream owner,
- (1:111) and the triggering furre hasn't got shared control (and is not the dream owner),
- (1:112) and the triggering furre is not facing towards position (#,#),
- (1:113) and the triggering furre is not facing northeast (up and right),
- (1:114) and the triggering furre is not facing southeast (down and right),
- (1:115) and the triggering furre is not facing southwest (down and left),
- (1:116) and the triggering furre is not facing northwest (up and left),
- (1:117) and the triggering furre (didn't move from/isn't standing at) floor type #,
- (1:118) and the triggering furre (didn't move from/isn't standing at) object type #,
- (1:119) and the triggering furre (didn't move from/isn't standing at) position (#,#),
- (1:120) and the triggering furre is not a rodent,
- (1:121) and the triggering furre is not an equine,
- (1:122) and the triggering furre is not a feline,
- (1:123) and the triggering furre is not a canine,
- (1:124) and the triggering furre is not a musteline,
- (1:125) and the triggering furre is not a lapine,
- (1:126) and the triggering furre is not a dragon,
- (1:127) and the triggering furre is not a phoenix,
- (1:128) and the triggering furre is not a griffon,
- (1:129) and the triggering furre is not a squirrel,
- (1:130) and the floor at (#,#) is different than the floor at (#,#),
- (1:131) and the object at (#,#) is different than the object at (#,#),
- (1:132) and the triggering furre is not a kitterwing,
- (1:133) and the triggering furre is not a bovine,
- (1:134) and the triggering furre is not wearing wings type #, (list at www.furcadia.com/dsparams/)
- (1:135) and the triggering furre is not wearing any wings,
- (1:136) and the triggering furre is not male,
- (1:137) and the triggering furre is not female,
- (1:138) and the triggering furre is not unspecified gender,
- (1:139) and the triggering furre is not a wolven,
- (1:140) and # step(s) northeast (up and right) from the triggering furre is not floor #,
- (1:141) and # step(s) southeast (down and right) from the triggering furre is not floor #,
- (1:142) and # step(s) southwest (down and left) from the triggering furre is not floor #,
- (1:143) and # step(s) northwest (up and left) from the triggering furre is not floor #,
- (1:144) and # step(s) NE & # step(s) NW from the triggering furre is not floor #,
- (1:145) and # step(s) NE & # step(s) SE from the triggering furre is not floor #,
- (1:146) and # step(s) SW & # step(s) SE from the triggering furre is not floor #,
- (1:147) and # step(s) SW & # step(s) NW from the triggering furre is not floor #,
- (1:150) and # step(s) northeast (up and right) from the triggering furre is not object #,
- (1:151) and # step(s) southeast (down and right) from the triggering furre is not object #,
- (1:152) and # step(s) southwest (down and left) from the triggering furre is not object #,
- (1:153) and # step(s) northwest (up and left) from the triggering furre is not object #,
- (1:154) and # step(s) NE & # step(s) NW from the triggering furre is not object #,
- (1:155) and # step(s) NE & # step(s) SE from the triggering furre is not object #,
- (1:156) and # step(s) SW & # step(s) SE from the triggering furre is not object #,
- (1:157) and # step(s) SW & # step(s) NW from the triggering furre is not object #,
- (1:160) and they didn't (bump into/move through) wall shape #
- (1:161) and they didn't (bump into/move through) a wall with texture #,
- (1:162) and they didn't (bump into/move through) wall shape # with texture #,
- (1:170) and the triggering furre's name is not {...},
- (1:171) and the triggering furre does not have Silver, Gold, or Diamond Sponsorship,
- (1:172) and the triggering furre does not have Group Access Level # or higher,
- (1:173) and message ~ does not match the triggering furre's name,
- (1:174) and message ~ does not match message ~,
- (1:175) and message ~ does not contain {...} anywhere within it,
- (1:176) and the length of message ~ is less than #,
- (1:177) and the length of message ~ is not equal to #,
- (1:178) and the furre named {...} is not in the dream right now,
- (1:179) and the triggering furre is not using an iPhone or iPod Touch,
- (1:180) and the triggering furre is not within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#),
- (1:181) and the triggering furre is not within the diamond (#,#) - (#,#),
- (1:182) and the furre named {...} is not AFK,
- (1:183) and the spot they moved to isn't in region #,
- (1:184) and the spot they moved to is not in regions # through #,
- (1:185) and the triggering furre (didn't move from/isn't standing in) region #,
- (1:186) and position (#,#) is not in region #,
- (1:187) and region # has no furres in it,
- (1:188) and region # has less than # furres in it,
- (1:190) and the triggering furre's entry code is not #,
- (1:191) and the triggering furre's entry method was not # (One=dream portal, Two=summoned in, Three=dream url),
- (1:192) and the triggering furre's entry code is not less than #,
- (1:193) and the triggering furre's entry code is not more than #,
- (1:194) and timer # is not still counting down,
- (1:195) and the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button # is not visible,
- (1:196) and the spot they moved to hasn't got effect #,
- (1:197) and the triggering furre (didn't move from/isn't standing in) effect #,
- (1:198) and position (#,#) doesn't have effect #,
- (1:200) and variable # is equal to #,
- (1:201) and variable # is more than #,
- (1:202) and variable # is less than #,
- (1:203) and variable # is equal to variable #,
- (1:204) and variable # is more than variable #,
- (1:205) and variable # is less than variable #,
- (1:206) and variable # is not equal to #,
- (1:207) and variable # is not equal to variable #,
- (1:208) and the X,Y position in variable # is the same as the position in variable #,
- (1:209) and the X,Y position in variable # is not the same as the position in variable #,
- (1:250) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, at least # of them are equal to #.
- (1:251) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, at least # of them are not equal to #.
- (1:252) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, at least # of them are more than #.
- (1:253) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, at least # of them are less than #.
- (1:254) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, exactly # of them are equal to #.
- (1:255) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, exactly # of them are not equal to #.
- (1:256) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, exactly # of them are more than #.
- (1:257) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, exactly # of them are less than #.
- (1:258) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, less than # of them are equal to #.
- (1:259) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, less than # of them are not equal to #.
- (1:260) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, less than # of them are more than #.
- (1:261) and in array #, starting at entry # and checking # entries, less than # of them are less than #.
- (1:310) and entry number # in array # is equal to #,
- (1:311) and entry number # in array # is not equal to #,
- (1:312) and entry number # in array # is more than #,
- (1:313) and entry number # in array # is less than #,
- (1:340) and the triggering furre is species #, (list at www.furcadia.com/dsparams)
- (1:440) and the triggering furre is not species #, (list at www.furcadia.com/dsparams)
- (1:600) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre is equal to #,
- (1:601) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre is not equal to #,
- (1:602) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre is more than #,
- (1:603) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre is less than #,
- (1:610) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...} is equal to #,
- (1:611) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...} is not equal to #,
- (1:612) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...} is more than #,
- (1:613) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...} is less than #,
- (1:620) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream is equal to #,
- (1:621) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream is not equal to #,
- (1:622) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream is more than #,
- (1:623) and the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream is less than #,
- (1:680) and PhoenixSpeak is using the 'just testing' area to store info,
- (1:681) and PhoenixSpeak is using the 'real and official' area to store info,
- (1:700) and the dream's cookie bank has at least # cookies.
- (1:701) and the dream's cookie bank has less than # cookies.
- (1:702) and the triggering furre has at least # cookies.
- (1:703) and the triggering furre has less than # cookies.
- (1:1000) and a random dice roll comes up (# percent of the time),
- (1:1002) and the triggering furre is holding item # in their paws,
- (1:1004) and the triggering furre is not holding item # in paws,
- (1:1005) and the triggering furre is standing,
- (1:1006) and the triggering furre is sitting,
- (1:1007) and the triggering furre is lying down,
- (1:1008) and the triggering furre is not standing,
- (1:1009) and the triggering furre is not sitting,
- (1:1010) and the triggering furre is not lying down,
- (1:1011) and position (#,#) is floor type #,
- (1:1012) and position (#,#) is not floor type #,
- (1:1013) and position (#,#) is object type #,
- (1:1014) and position (#,#) is not object type #,
- (1:1015) and position (#,#) is wall shape #,
- (1:1016) and position (#,#) is a wall with texture #,
- (1:1017) and position (#,#) is wall shape # with texture #,
- (1:1018) and position (#,#) is not wall shape #,
- (1:1019) and position (#,#) is not a wall with texture #,
- (1:1020) and position (#,#) is not wall shape # with texture #,
- (1:1100) and there's a furre at (#,#),
- (1:1101) and there's no furre at (#,#),
- (1:1200) and the triggering furre is localspecies #,
- (1:1201) and the triggering furre is not localspecies #,
- (3:1) everywhere on the whole map,
- (3:2) at position (#,#) on the map,
- (3:3) within the diamond (#,#) - (#,#),
- (3:4) within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#),
- (3:5) where the triggering furre is at, not moving,
- (3:5) where the triggering furre moved from,
- (3:6) where the triggering furre moved into,
- (3:7) whereever the triggering furre was at when the trigger activated,
- (3:8) everyplace the triggering furre can see,
- (3:9) everyplace that can be seen from (#,#),
- (3:10) in the space right in front of the triggering furre,
- (3:11) # step(s) in front of the triggering furre,
- (3:12) in the space right behind the triggering furre,
- (3:13) # step(s) behind the triggering furre,
- (3:14) in a line starting at (#, #) and going # more spaces northeast.
- (3:15) in a line starting at (#, #) and going # more spaces southeast.
- (3:16) in a line starting at (#, #) and going # more spaces southwest.
- (3:17) in a line starting at (#, #) and going # more spaces northwest.
- (3:18) at the last location where a dream portal was placed,
- (3:20) in the space just to the left of the triggering furre,
- (3:21) # step(s) to the left of the triggering furre,
- (3:22) in the space just to the right of the triggering furre,
- (3:23) # step(s) to the right of the triggering furre,
- (3:30) in region #,
- (3:31) everywhere outside region #,
- (3:32) everywhere in regions # through #,
- (3:33) everywhere outside regions # through #,
- (3:50) # step(s) northeast (up and right) from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),
- (3:51) # step(s) southeast (down and right) from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),
- (3:52) # step(s) southwest (down and left) from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),
- (3:53) # step(s) northwest (up and left) from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),
- (3:54) # step(s) northeast (up and right) from where the triggering furre moved to,
- (3:55) # step(s) southeast (down and right) from where the triggering furre moved to,
- (3:56) # step(s) southwest (down and left) from where the triggering furre moved to,
- (3:57) # step(s) northwest (up and left) from where the triggering furre moved to,
- (3:60) # step(s) NE & # step(s) NW from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),
- (3:61) # step(s) NE & # step(s) SE from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),
- (3:62) # step(s) SW & # step(s) SE from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),
- (3:63) # step(s) SW & # step(s) NW from where the triggering furre (moved from/is standing),
- (3:64) # step(s) NE & # step(s) NW from where the triggering furre moved to,
- (3:65) # step(s) NE & # step(s) SE from where the triggering furre moved to,
- (3:66) # step(s) SW & # step(s) SE from where the triggering furre moved to,
- (3:67) # step(s) SW & # step(s) NW from where the triggering furre moved to,
- (3:500) at a random spot within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#),
- (3:501) at a random spot that is onscreen for the triggering furre,
- (3:502) at a random spot somewhere in the dream,
- (3:510) at a random spot within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#) where the floor is type #,
- (3:511) at a random spot that is onscreen for the triggering furre where the floor is type #,
- (3:512) at a random spot somewhere in the dream where the floor is type #,
- (3:520) at a random spot within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#) where the floor is not type #,
- (3:521) at a random spot that is onscreen for the triggering furre where the floor is not type #,
- (3:522) at a random spot somewhere in the dream where the floor is not type #,
- (3:530) at a random spot within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#) where the object is type #,
- (3:531) at a random spot that is onscreen for the triggering furre where the object is type #,
- (3:532) at a random spot somewhere in the dream where the object is type #,
- (3:540) at a random spot within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#) where the object is not type #,
- (3:541) at a random spot that is onscreen for the triggering furre where the object is not type #,
- (3:542) at a random spot somewhere in the dream where the object is not type #,
- (4:0) clear all filtering,
- (4:1) only where the floor is type #,
- (4:2) only where the floor is not type #,
- (4:3) only where an object type # is,
- (4:4) only where there is no object type #,
- (4:7) only where there is an object,
- (4:8) only where there are no objects,
- (4:9) only in places where someone can walk,
- (4:10) only in places that can't be walked into,
- (4:12) only in places the triggering furre can see,
- (4:13) only in places the triggering furre cannot see,
- (4:14) only in places that can be seen from (#,#),
- (4:15) only in places that can not be seen from (#,#),
- (4:30) only in region #,
- (4:31) only outside of region #,
- (4:32) only in regions # through #,
- (4:33) only places that aren't in regions # through #,
- (4:40) only where the effect overlay is #,
- (4:41) only where the effect overlay is not #,
- (5:1) set the floor to type #.
- (5:2) change floor type # to type #.
- (5:3) swap floor types # and #.
- (5:4) place object type #.
- (5:5) change object type # to type #.
- (5:6) swap object types # and #.
- (5:7) place a random floor type between # and #.
- (5:8) play sound # to the triggering furre.
- (5:9) play sound # to any furre present.
- (5:10) play sound # to every furre who can see (#,#).
- (5:11) play sound # to every furre who can see the triggering furre.
- (5:12) play sound # to everyone on the map.
- (5:13) place a random object type between # and #.
- (5:14) move the triggering furre to (#,#) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:15) move the triggering furre to (#,#), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.
- (5:16) move any furre present to (#,#) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:17) move any furre present to (#,#), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.
- (5:18) move the triggering furre back where they came from.
- (5:19) move any furre present # step(s) forward (in the direction they're facing) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:20) move any item present # step(s) in the direction the triggering furre is facing.
- (5:21) move the object to (#,#).
- (5:22) copy the object to (#,#).
- (5:23) swap the object with the object at (#,#).
- (5:24) copy the floor to (#,#).
- (5:25) swap the floor with the floor at (#,#).
- (5:26) add # to the object number
- (5:27) subtract # from the object number
- (5:28) add # to the floor number
- (5:29) subtract # from the floor number
- (5:30) play midi # to the triggering furre.
- (5:31) play midi # to everyone on the map.
- (5:32) play music file # to any furre present.
- (5:33) play music file # to every furre who can see (#,#).
- (5:34) play music file # to every furre who can see the triggering furre.
- (5:40) set the floor to type # at (#,#).
- (5:41) place object type # at (#,#).
- (5:42) place wall shape #.
- (5:43) set the wall texture to #.
- (5:44) place wall shape # with texture #
- (5:45) swap wall shapes # and #.
- (5:46) swap wall textures # and #.
- (5:47) swap wall shape # with texture # and wall shape # with texture #.
- (5:50) set countdown timer # to go off in # seconds.
- (5:51) make any furre standing at (#,#) become the new triggering furre.
- (5:52) make any furre present have all their summon commands send people to the start of the dream.
- (5:53) allow any furre present to summon people right next to them again.
- (5:54) make any furre present unable to lead and follow.
- (5:55) allow any furre present to lead and follow again.
- (5:56) make the furre named {...} the new triggering furre, if they're in the dream right now.
- (5:60) change wall shape # to shape #.
- (5:61) change wall texture # to texture #.
- (5:62) change wall shape # with texture # to shape # with texture #.
- (5:63) place wall shape # at (#,#).
- (5:64) set the wall texture to # at (#,#).
- (5:65) place wall shape # with texture # at (#,#).
- (5:66) move the wall to (#,#).
- (5:67) copy the wall to (#,#).
- (5:68) swap the wall with the wall at (#,#).
- (5:70) make the triggering furre stand up.
- (5:71) make the triggering furre sit down.
- (5:72) make the triggering furre lie down.
- (5:73) make any furre present stand up.
- (5:74) make any furre present sit down.
- (5:75) make any furre present lie down.
- (5:76) place object type # in the triggering furre's paws.
- (5:77) place object type # in the paws of any furre present.
- (5:78) eject the triggering furre.
- (5:80) move any furre present # step(s) northeast (up and right) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:81) move any furre present # step(s) southeast (down and right) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:82) move any furre present # step(s) southwest (down and left) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:83) move any furre present # step(s) northwest (up and left) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:84) move any furre present # step(s) NE & # step(s) NW if there's nobody already there.
- (5:85) move any furre present # step(s) NE & # step(s) SE if there's nobody already there.
- (5:86) move any furre present # step(s) SW & # step(s) SE if there's nobody already there.
- (5:87) move any furre present # step(s) SW & # step(s) NW if there's nobody already there.
- (5:88) turn the triggering furre clockwise.
- (5:89) turn the triggering furre counterclockwise.
- (5:90) turn the triggering furre to face northeast.
- (5:91) turn the triggering furre to face southeast.
- (5:92) turn the triggering furre to face southwest.
- (5:93) turn the triggering furre to face northwest.
- (5:94) turn any furre present clockwise.
- (5:95) turn any furre present counterclockwise.
- (5:96) turn any furre present to face northeast.
- (5:97) turn any furre present to face southeast.
- (5:98) turn any furre present to face southwest.
- (5:99) turn any furre present to face northwest.
- (5:100) turn on 'classic' mode and update the screen after each trigger.
- (5:101) turn 'classic' mode back off.
- (5:102) share dream control with the triggering furre.
- (5:103) share dream control with any furre present.
- (5:104) activate text filter number #.
- (5:105) set entry music to #.
- (5:106) allow global dream uploads by dream owner only.
- (5:107) allow global dream uploads by dream owner and shared furres.
- (5:108) allow global dream uploads by everyone.
- (5:109) allow dream pad uploads by dream owner only.
- (5:110) allow dream pad uploads by dream owner and shared furres.
- (5:111) allow dream pad uploads by everyone.
- (5:112) make summoned furres arrive at the start of the dream.
- (5:113) allow summoned furres to arrive right by the summoner.
- (5:120) make this/these location(s) part of region #.
- (5:121) make location (#,#) part of region #.
- (5:122) treat all regions numbered # and higher as 'indoors', and only show furres there what's in that region.
- (5:123) treat all regions as 'outdoors', and show furres all regions that are visible, all the time.
- (5:124) show bottom walls in both indoors and outdoors.
- (5:125) show bottom walls outdoors only.
- (5:127) show top walls in both indoors and outdoors.
- (5:128) show top walls indoors only.
- (5:130) hide everything in region # from everybody.
- (5:131) show everything in region # to everyone that can see there.
- (5:132) hide all objects in region # from everybody.
- (5:133) show objects in region # to everyone that can see there.
- (5:134) hide all walls in region # from everybody.
- (5:135) show walls in region # to everyone that can see there.
- (5:136) hide all floors in region # from everybody.
- (5:137) show floors in region # to everyone that can see there.
- (5:138) hide all effects in region # from everybody.
- (5:139) show effects in region # to everyone that can see there.
- (5:140) show object # in outdoor regions where objects are hidden, instead of what's really there.
- (5:141) show wall # in outdoor regions where walls are hidden, instead of what's really there.
- (5:142) show floor # in outdoor regions where floors are hidden, instead of what's really there.
- (5:143) show effect # in outdoor regions where effects are hidden, instead of what's really there.
- (5:144) show object # in indoor regions where objects are hidden, instead of what's really there.
- (5:145) show wall # in indoor regions where walls are hidden, instead of what's really there.
- (5:146) show floor # in indoor regions where floors are hidden, instead of what's really there.
- (5:147) show effect # in indoor regions where effects are hidden, instead of what's really there.
- (5:150) place overlay effect #.
- (5:151) set location (#,#) to overlay effect #.
- (5:152) place overlay effect # where the triggering furre is.
- (5:153) change effect # to effect #.
- (5:154) swap effects # and #.
- (5:160) set region # to silent (furres can't speak there).
- (5:161) allow furres to talk in region #.
- (5:162) make region # unwalkable.
- (5:163) make region # walkable.
- (5:164) make it impossible to sit or lie down in region #.
- (5:165) allow sitting and lying down in region #.
- (5:166) make it impossible to pick up or drop items in region #.
- (5:167) allow getting and dropping items in region #.
- (5:180) show the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button #.
- (5:181) hide the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button #.
- (5:182) move the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button # to (#,#).
- (5:183) show the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button # in tab #.
- (5:184) set variable # to the number of the DragonSpeak Button they just pressed.
- (5:190) show everyone in the dream's DragonSpeak Button #.
- (5:191) hide everyone in the dream's DragonSpeak Button #.
- (5:192) move everyone in the dream's DragonSpeak Button # to (#,#).
- (5:193) show everyone in the dream's DragonSpeak Button # in tab #.
- (5:200) emit message {...} to the triggering furre.
- (5:201) emit message {...} to any furre present.
- (5:202) emit message {...} to every furre who can see (#,#).
- (5:203) emit message {...} to every furre who can see the triggering furre.
- (5:204) emitloud message {...} to everyone on the map.
- (5:205) emit message {...} to the furre named {...} if they're in the dream.
- (5:210) set entrytext to {...}
- (5:212) set silent speech prefix (for spoken commands) to {...}
- (5:213) Set the silence floor (where nobody can speak) to floor type #.
- (5:214) Set the silence object to object type #.
- (5:215) set the 'you can't talk' message to {...}
- (5:250) set message ~ to {...}.
- (5:251) copy message ~ onto message ~.
- (5:252) set message ~ to the triggering furre's name.
- (5:253) set message ~ to today's date.
- (5:254) set message ~ to the current time (in Furcadia Standard Time).
- (5:255) set message ~ to what the triggering furre just said or emoted.
- (5:256) reverse message ~ from forwards to backwards.
- (5:257) take message ~ and add {...} onto the end of it.
- (5:258) take message ~ and add message ~ onto the end of it.
- (5:270) chop off the end of message ~, leaving just the first # characters of it still there.
- (5:271) chop off the beginning of message ~, leaving just the last # characters of it still there.
- (5:272) set message ~ to be the portion of message ~ from position # to position #.
- (5:273) chop off the end of message ~, removing the last # characters of it.
- (5:274) chop off the beginning of message ~, removing the first # characters of it.
- (5:275) use message ~ as an array, and copy entry # of it into message ~.
- (5:276) use message ~ as an array, and set entry # of it to {...}.
- (5:277) remove the first word from message ~ and put it in message ~.
- (5:278) remove the first # copies of {...} from message ~.
- (5:300) set variable # to the value #.
- (5:301) copy the value of variable # into variable #.
- (5:302) take variable # and add # to it.
- (5:303) take variable # and add variable # to it.
- (5:304) take variable # and subtract # from it.
- (5:305) take variable # and subtract variable # from it.
- (5:306) multiply variable # by #.
- (5:307) multiply variable # by variable #.
- (5:308) divide variable # by # and put the remainder in variable #.
- (5:309) divide variable # by variable # and put the remainder in variable #.
- (5:310) use variable # as an array, and copy entry # of it into variable #.
- (5:311) use variable # as an array, and set entry # of it to #.
- (5:312) set variable # to the total of rolling # dice with # sides plus #.
- (5:313) set variable # to the total of rolling # dice with # sides minus #.
- (5:314) set variable # to the number the triggering furre just said or emoted.
- (5:315) set variable # to the triggering furre's entry code.
- (5:316) set the triggering furre's entry code to #.
- (5:317) set variable # to the number of the object in the triggering furre's paws.
- (5:318) set variable # to the number of furres in the dream.
- (5:319) set variable # to the X,Y position of the last dream portal placed.
- (5:320) set variable # to the region number (#, #) is part of.
- (5:321) set variable # to the current day of the month.
- (5:322) set variable # to the current hour FST (Furcadia Standard Time in twenty-four hour format).
- (5:323) set variable # to the current minute FST (Furcadia Standard Time).
- (5:324) set variable # to the current month of the year.
- (5:325) set variable # to the current second FST (Furcadia Standard Time).
- (5:326) set variable # to the current year.
- (5:330) set variable # to the effect overlay value at (#, #).
- (5:350) set variable # to the X,Y position the triggering furre (moved from/is standing at).
- (5:351) set variable # to the X,Y position the triggering furre moved to.
- (5:352) move the position in variable # northeast (up and right) # step(s).
- (5:353) move the position in variable # southeast (down and right) # step(s).
- (5:354) move the position in variable # southwest (down and left) # step(s).
- (5:355) move the position in variable # northwest (up and left) # step(s).
- (5:380) set variable # to the floor type at (#, #).
- (5:381) set variable # to the object type at (#, #).
- (5:382) set variable # to the wall shape at (#, #).
- (5:383) set variable # to the wall texture at (#, #).
- (5:384) set variable # to the x,y position (#,#).
- (5:390) starting with entry #, set # entries in array # to #.
- (5:399) clear all variables to zero.
- (5:400) cycle the three object types in this sequence one step forward: #, #, #.
- (5:401) cycle the four object types in this sequence one step forward: #, #, #, #.
- (5:402) cycle the five object types in this sequence one step forward: #, #, #, #, #.
- (5:410) cycle the three floor types in this sequence one step forward: #, #, #.
- (5:411) cycle the four floor types in this sequence one step forward: #, #, #, #.
- (5:412) cycle the five floor types in this sequence one step forward: #, #, #, #, #.
- (5:420) shake the triggering furre's map in style #, for # tenths of a second, with speed # and intensity #. (see www.furcadia.com/dsparams for info)
- (5:421) shake the map of any furre present in style #, for # tenths of a second, with speed # and intensity #. (see www.furcadia.com/dsparams for info)
- (5:422) stop all map shaking for the triggering furre.
- (5:423) stop all map shaking for any furre present.
- (5:430) jump the animation of all copies of object type # in the dream to step #.
- (5:431) jump the animation of all copies of floor type # in the dream to step #.
- (5:432) jump the animation of all copies of wall shape # with wall texture # to step #.
- (5:433) jump the animation of DragonSpeak Button # to step # for everyone in the dream.
- (5:434) reset the animation of all copies of object type # in the dream.
- (5:435) reset the animation of all copies of floor type # in the dream.
- (5:436) reset the animation of all copies of wall shape # with wall texture #.
- (5:437) reset the animation of DragonSpeak Button # for everyone in the dream.
- (5:438) set the default animation delay of object type # to # milliseconds.
- (5:439) set the default animation delay of floor type # to # milliseconds.
- (5:440) set the default animation delay of wall shape # with wall texture # to # milliseconds.
- (5:441) set the default animation delay of DragonSpeak Button # to # milliseconds for everyone in the dream.
- (5:442) jump the animation of the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button # to step #.
- (5:443) reset the animation of the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button #.
- (5:444) set the default animation delay of the triggering furre's DragonSpeak Button # to # milliseconds.
- (5:445) jump the animation of all copies of effect # in the dream to step #.
- (5:446) reset the animation of all copies of effect # in the dream.
- (5:447) set the default animation delay of effect # to # milliseconds.
- (5:500) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#).
- (5:501) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot that is onscreen for the triggering furre.
- (5:502) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot somewhere in the dream.
- (5:510) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the floor is type # within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#).
- (5:511) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the floor is type # that is onscreen for the triggering furre.
- (5:512) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the floor is type # somewhere in the dream.
- (5:520) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the floor is not type # within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#).
- (5:521) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the floor is not type # that is onscreen for the triggering furre.
- (5:522) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the floor is not type # somewhere in the dream.
- (5:530) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the object is type # within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#).
- (5:531) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the object is type # that is onscreen for the triggering furre.
- (5:532) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the object is type # somewhere in the dream.
- (5:540) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the object is not type # within the rectangle (#,#) - (#,#).
- (5:541) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the object is not type # that is onscreen for the triggering furre.
- (5:542) set variable # to the X,Y position of a random spot where the object is not type # somewhere in the dream.
- (5:600) memorize that the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre will now be #.
- (5:601) memorize that the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...} will now be #.
- (5:602) memorize that the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream will now be #.
- (5:603) memorize that the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre will now be {...}.
- (5:604) memorize that the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...} will now be {...}.
- (5:605) memorize that the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream will now be {...}.
- (5:610) remember the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre, and put it in variable #.
- (5:611) remember the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...}, and put it in variable #.
- (5:612) remember the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream, and put it in variable #.
- (5:613) remember the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre, and put it in message ~.
- (5:614) remember the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...}, and put it in message ~.
- (5:615) remember the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream, and put it in message ~.
- (5:630) forget all PhoenixSpeak info about the triggering furre.
- (5:631) forget all PhoenixSpeak info about the furre named {...}.
- (5:632) forget the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about this dream.
- (5:633) forget all PhoenixSpeak info about this dream.
- (5:634) forget the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the triggering furre.
- (5:635) forget the PhoenixSpeak info {...} about the furre named {...}.
- (5:650) use the PhoenixSpeak 'just testing' area to store info from now on.
- (5:651) use the PhoenixSpeak 'real and official' area to store info from now on.
- (5:700) request # cookies for the cookie bank from the triggering furre, with request number # and message {...}
- (5:701) request # cookies for the cookie bank from any furre present, with request number # and message {...}
- (5:702) give # cookies to the triggering furre.
- (5:703) give # cookies to anyone present.
- (5:704) set variable # to the number of cookies in the dream's cookie bank.
- (5:705) set variable # to the total number of cookies the triggering furre has.
- (5:706) mute Cookie given/recieved messages for the dreamowner.
- (5:707) unmute Cookie given/recieved lines for the dreamowner.
- (5:708) set cookie name to {...}.
- (5:709) set cookie eat message to {...}.
- (5:710) feed Beekin the Help Dragon # cookies out of the Cookie Bank. (They'll be gone for good!)
- (5:714) move and animate the triggering furre to (#,#) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:715) move and animate the triggering furre to (#,#), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.
- (5:716) move and animate any furre present to (#,#) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:717) move and animate any furre present to (#,#), or to someplace nearby if it's occupied.
- (5:718) move and animate the triggering furre back where they came from.
- (5:719) move and animate any furre present # step(s) forward (in the direction they're facing) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:780) move and animate any furre present # step(s) northeast (up and right) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:781) move and animate any furre present # step(s) southeast (down and right) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:782) move and animate any furre present # step(s) southwest (down and left) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:783) move and animate any furre present # step(s) northwest (up and left) if there's nobody already there.
- (5:784) move and animate any furre present # step(s) NE & # step(s) NW if there's nobody already there.
- (5:785) move and animate any furre present # step(s) NE & # step(s) SE if there's nobody already there.
- (5:786) move and animate any furre present # step(s) SW & # step(s) SE if there's nobody already there.
- (5:787) move and animate any furre present # step(s) SW & # step(s) NW if there's nobody already there.
- (5:880) forget all the PhoenixSpeak info about furres that haven't been used in # days # hours # minutes # seconds
- (5:1000) redraw the screen and show everything that's just changed.
- (5:1200) change the triggering furre to localspecies #.
- (5:1201) change any furre present to localspecies #.
- (5:1202) change the triggering furre back to their original species.
- (5:1203) change any furre present back to their original species.
- (5:2000) reset the dream and kick all the players out.
- (5:3443) make any furre present # percent their original size.